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local stress 【物理學】局部應力。

local time

In harsh climate region , mere exists obvious local stress concentration near the upstream and downstream of the exposed - in - winter horizontal surface of the rcc dam , and the surface of spillway bucket though heat insulation is applied on the surfaces , tensile stress still exceeds the allowable one of concrete . this paper puts forward to adopt preset crack to avoid occurring more cracks . the special crack model is applied to simulate the dam preset crack , and the joint model of fracture mechanics is induced into strain - soften model 在結構措施方面,針對嚴寒地區高碾壓混凝土重力壩壩體越冬層面的上、下游面附近及溢流壩堰面反弧段表面有明顯的局部應力集中象現,在已采取一定的表面保溫防護的條件下,拉應力仍然超過混凝土容許拉應力,開裂難以避免,進而提出設置碾壓混凝土壩表面預留縫結構措施并對該措施進行深入研究,包括預留縫的擴展穩定和壩體沿預留縫的穩定性,以避免大壩在無措施部位開裂,解決大壩越冬層面水平施工縫的開裂問題。

For the bus - shackle structure near the early failure spot , this thesis established the real 3d full - scale mockup , and spliced it in the bus body frame model founded by the unique board - shell elements to calculate the local stress distribution and the stress concentration , using it to carry on the comparison with the obtained result of the simplified mechanic model 對于早期失效部位附近的吊耳結構,建立了真實的三維實體模型而且將其拼接到全板殼單元的客車車身骨架模型上進行局部應力分布與集中計算,并將其與采用簡化力學模型的計算結果進行了比較。

Abstract : an analysis on the damage of flame arrester of oil tank has been made from its structure as well as daily care . countermeasures against its disability have been presented , that is , casting the two semi - casing into one piece , leaving out the intermediat flanges , thickening the casing , and increasing the casting round - angle between the flanges and casing . in this way , the strength of casing can be enhance and local stress will be decreased . in addition , in order to enlongate the service life , the operating frequency of flame arrester should be properly reduced in daily care 文摘:從設計結構及維護保養的角度分析了儲油罐阻火器損壞的原因,并提出了相應的改進措施,即在結構方面可以將阻火器外殼鑄為一體,省去中間法蘭,增加殼體厚度,加大法蘭與殼體之間的鑄造圓角,以增加強度減少局部應力:在維護保養方面,應適當減少操作次數,延長阻火器的使用壽命。

These researches and discussions can provide the reference and beneficial help , for choosing and establishing the computation model of the city bus body frame by using the fem , analyzing the bus body frame strength and the local stress concentration analysis , reducing the weight of the city bus body frame , improving the loading capacity of the city bus 這些研究和探討為大型客車有限元計算模型的選擇與建立、大客車車身骨架的強度和局部應力集中分析、客車車身的輕量化研究、提高客車承載能力的研究等方面可以提供參考和有益的幫助。

Abstract : according to the charateristics of the rock fill dam with an asphaltic concrete core wall , the reasonable models are chosen to simulate the rock dam body , rigid subwall and asphaltic concrete core wall , a method is suggested to investigate the interface between subwall and core wall , the local stress distribution of the core wall is taken into consideration in the calculation 文摘:結合瀝青混凝土心墻堆石壩的結構特點,對堆石壩體、剛性副墻、瀝青混凝土心墻分別采用了合理的計算模型,提出了剛性副墻與心墻接觸面的模擬方法,研究了心墻的局部應力問題,并用該方法對某瀝青混凝土心墻壩進行了計算,得出了一些規律性結論

The fault controlled the magmatism and metallization relevant to the contact zone , and deformed successively and produced cataclastic rocks and two sets of joints ; the second stage was from late cretaceous to eocene . the fault zone deformed right - laterally under ne - sw striking transtention , and new joints zone was produced at the end of the two main faults because of local stress concentration . the fault produced inchoative cataclastic rocks , and two sets of typical joints in plutons ; the third stage of deformation was relatively faint and only a little of microcracks was produced and infilled with vei ns in the deformed rocks , which was during the himalayan movement 其后的繼承性活動在斷裂帶內形成碎裂程度最強達到碎裂巖的碎裂巖系列構造巖,變形帶兩側發育兩組典型的共軛剪節理;第二次在晚白堊世?始新世,斷裂在北東?南西向近水平擠壓作用下右行張扭性活動,斷裂帶兩主斷裂在斜列重疊的端部由于局部應力集中進一步擴展形成節理帶,而斷裂在巖體區也發育兩組典型的共軛剪節理,斷裂內形成初碎裂巖為主的構造巖;第三次是喜山期以西側抬升、東側下降的強烈升降為主的活動,在基巖中,主斷層兩側圍巖出現微破裂。

Based on the aircraft structure fatigue theory , the article discussed the theoretical basis of methods that are usually used for aircraft structure fatigue crack - forming life estimation , i . e . the stress severity factor approach ( normal stress approach ) , the local stress & strain approach , detail fatigue rating approach ( dfr ) . also the processes of life estimation of these approaches are studied in the article 文章在簡要介紹飛機結構疲勞強度理論的基礎上,對目前飛機結構勞疲勞裂紋形成壽命估算常用的應力嚴重系數法(名義應力法) ,局部應力應變法,細節疲勞額定值dfr法的理論依據作了較詳細的論述,同時對這些估算方法進行壽命估算的過程與步驟也作了詳盡的闡述。

This thesis also studied the influence of the spacing , which is between the central action point on the shackle and the exterior plate of the chassis frame side rail , because the spacing influenced the local stress distribution and the stress concentration of the bus body frame and the chassis frame , and the related variational tendency was summarized 本文還研究了吊耳銷作用力中心點與縱梁腹板間距對車架和客車骨架的應力分布與集中的影響,總結了相關的變化趨勢。

The fem analysis for the three structures of sling screw - thread - based , namely the circle , rectangle and that with strengthen plate , and the tensile test for sling screw - thread - based in torpedo body show , that the bonding with strengthen frp plate between load - bearing metal parts and frp hull with hatch can reduce the stress concentration and significantly decline the local stress in frp hull with hatch . this structure can also be used in the similar produces . ( 3 ) the effects of parameters for bonding process on the adhesive strength and leakproof are discussed , such as the bonding interface reduce , bonding surface treatment , match of adhesive surface , protect for adhesive seam and so on 本文通過某型號雷體吊耳螺紋座結構的三種方案,即圓形昂耳螺紋座、長方形吊耳螺紋座、具有增強板的吊耳螺紋座的有限元分析及雷體吊耳螺紋座拉力試驗結果證明:金屬承力件與開口玻璃鋼殼體粘接采用玻璃鋼增強板補強,緩和了應力集中,使開口殼體局部應力明顯降低,類似的水下兵器用金屬承力件與開口復合材料殼體膠接均可采用此種結構形式。

In order to solve this kind of contradiction , cableway designers have to search for a new way for the design project to analysis and compute which can describe not only the local stress and displacement but also the whole stress and displacement and their distribution rules in the whole structure when the structure is loaded as a whole . this new type of method for design calculation now is got and called finite element analysis method . , 針對有限元這一應用,國外開發出了這一方法的大型軟件包( algorfeas )用于桁架板殼結構分析,本項目研究的就是利用algorfeas軟件包,突破傳統的方法,對塔架的受力情況和位移進行比較精確的有限元分析。

Also , the thesis calculate and analysis the transverse deflection of steel box girder deeply in multiple factors . firstly , the article introduced the calculative methods and theory of local stress and strain of bridge structure . then program software system of finite element method was introduced . after that , the influential factors to the calculatial result and their values were analysed and suggested 本文首先介紹了橋梁結構局部應力應變計算理論和方法,對有限元計算程序進行了介紹,然后分析了縱橫隔板設置、梁高及梁寬變化等因素對鋼箱梁橋面板在恒載作用下的橫向撓度的影響,并將這些計算結果進行對照分析,從而找出了影響橋面板橫向撓度的主要影響因素,并得出了相應的數值可供工程實踐參考。

The computing results of the thesis shows that qtjs 160t railway crane ' s carrier frame has met the intensity requirements . the local stress of the contact position of carrier frame , outriggers and pins is presented . the dangerous positions of the carrier frame are pointed out 論文分析、計算結果表明, qtjs160t鐵路起重機底架結構滿足強度要求,論文給出了車架、支腿和銷軸聯接處的局部應力情況,指出車架在回轉支承圈處存在應力集中部位。

A group of calculated results is obtained when the train goes ahead a distance steps . thus , the results in a period are obtained . in addition , the local stress analysis and the shape optimization of locking hooks are done 對于每種載荷情況計算都按照準靜態問題進行分析,不考慮結構的加速度,只考慮載荷作用點(火車車輪)的變化,列車每前進一段距離計算一個受力工況,得到一組數據,得到了一個周期的計算結果。

According to the characteristics of the plexiglas , using the principles of the stress field intensity ( sfi ) , a local stress approach for the evaluation of the fatigue life of the plexiglas structures is proposed 根據有機玻璃特點,利用場強法原理,建立了有機玻璃裂紋形成壽命的局部應力估算方法,采用該方法估算得到的玻璃螺栓孔處的疲勞壽命與邊緣連接件疲勞試驗結果吻合較好。

Calculating results indicate that these methods cannot faithfully reflect the influence of hollows to local stresses of slabs , so that it is necessary to establish three - dimensional solid elements to make mini - model simulating analysis by fem 算例結果表明,這些方法都不能如實反映空腔對板局部應力的影響,有必要建立三維體單元模型進行細化有限元仿真分析。

That is , when a large opening exists on the cylindrical shell , high local stresses will present in the opening nozzles . so it is not safe to design by equi - area method of reinforcement 工程結構中常常要用到各種大開孔的結構,超出了常規設計的經驗公式的適用范圍,只能依靠實驗研究,進行對比分析設計,這樣會導致成本提高和設計周期延長。

This method can only show the local stress and displacement of a unit , but has no way to describe the stress , displacement and their distribution rules in the whole structure when the structure is burdened as a whole 由于這種計算只能得到局部的應力與位移變形情況,而對與塔架在整體受載時的應力,應變以及分布規律卻無法描述。

The elastoplastic finite element method overcomes the limitation that only the uniaxial local stress and strain could be calculated by the approximate method , establishing the base of multiaxial fatigue analysis 彈塑性隨機有限元分析,克服了以往近似方法只能計算單軸局部應力應變響應的缺陷,為多軸疲勞分析建立了基礎。

This paper analyzes the local stress of the elastic base seat of the sensor on ladle vehicle electronic scale , and finds out the reasons for the fracture failure of the elastic base seat 摘要利用有限元方法對鐵水車電子秤的傳感器彈性座體進行了局部應力分析計算,找出了彈性座體斷裂破壞的原因。